Nathan Berryhill
$239Total Contributions
$762Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$169.00 | Nichole Berryhill |
$50.00 | Bo Sung Park |
$20.00 | Nam Nguyen |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$207.44 | Signs on the Cheap |
$169.00 | Lampasas Radio |
$152.82 | Uprinting |
$66.60 | Nathan Berryhill |
$49.24 | The Home Depot #6563 |
$49.24 | The Home Depot #6982 |
$38.00 | US Postal Service |
$26.67 | Walmart Inc |
$3.40 | Anedot Inc |
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