Sam Arnold
This page displays the cumulative amount given by this contributor to these individuals or organizations.
Total Contributions (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate (Click to sort ascending) | Committee (Click to sort ascending) |
$635.00 | ActBlue Texas | |
$585.00 | Ground Game Texas PAC | |
$4.17 | Averie Bishop | Bishop, Averie Danielle (Ms.) |
$4.17 | Dawn Richardson | Williams-Richardson, Dawn T. (Mrs.) |
$4.17 | Detrick Deburr | DeBurr, Detrick V. (Mr.) |
$4.17 | Elizabeth Ginsberg | Ginsberg, Elizabeth R. (Mrs.) |
$4.17 | Jennifer Lee | Lee, Jennifer A. |
$4.17 | Jonathan Gracia | Gracia, Jonathan Dwayne (Mr.) |
$4.17 | Kristian Carranza | Carranza, Kristian |
$4.17 | Laurel Jordan Swift | Swift, Laurel Jordan (Mrs.) |
$4.16 | Nora Stephanie Morales | Morales, Nora Stephanie (Ms.) |