
This page displays individual contributions made by this contributor.

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$100.00 ActBlue Texas 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$100.00 ActBlue Texas 02/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$100.00 ActBlue Texas 03/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$100.00 Allison Renee Campolo 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$100.00 Allison Renee Campolo 02/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$100.00 Allison Renee Campolo 03/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 ActBlue Texas 10/12/2017Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 ActBlue Texas 11/12/2017Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 ActBlue Texas 12/12/2017Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 ActBlue Texas 01/12/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 Allison Renee Campolo 10/12/2017Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 Allison Renee Campolo 11/12/2017Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 Allison Renee Campolo 12/12/2017Software EngineerUsaa
$50.00 Allison Renee Campolo 01/12/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$17.00 ActBlue Texas 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Nancy Bean 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Rhetta Bowers 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Gwenn Burud 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Allison Renee Campolo 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Joanna Cattanach 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Brandy Chambers 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Sarah Depew 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Carla Morton 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Ana-Maria Ramos 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa
$1.00 Mica Ringo 01/27/2018Software EngineerUsaa