Barry Allen Bush
$5,507Total Contributions
$4,308Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$2,307.43 | Bush Barry |
$500.00 | Gene Guse |
$500.00 | Jessica Henry |
$500.00 | Jude Guse |
$500.00 | Robert Johnson |
$300.00 | David Strecker |
$200.00 | Christina Caprio |
$200.00 | Dave Sharp |
$200.00 | Michael Hill |
$125.00 | Mike Minelli |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$2,307.42 | Barry Bush |
$1,105.40 | Cross and Oberlie |
$525.04 | The Home Depot Inc PAC |
$280.58 | Lowes |
$89.21 | Past Expenses |
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