Curtis Jay Knapp
$12,366Total Contributions
$10,099Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$6,805.10 | Miscellaneous Receipts |
$5,460.69 | Curtis Jay Knapp (Curt Knapp) |
$100.00 | Jay Knapp Curtis |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$4,309.56 | Newport Miner |
$3,453.01 | Petroglyph Printing |
$777.88 | Selkirk Sun |
$440.00 | Beacon |
$325.00 | Curtis Jay Knapp |
$308.00 | Pend Oreille County Election Office |
$195.48 | Past Expenses |
$190.00 | The Beacon |
$100.00 | Beacon |
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