Dontae 4 Olympia City Council
Washington Committee
$30,330Total Contributions
$30,136Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations by this committee.

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$4,742.30 Winpower Strategies Inc Seatac10/18/2021Design/graphic art, etc.ENTITY
$4,430.33 Mailbox of Olympia Olympia10/13/2021Postage costs, mail permits, purchase of stampsENTITY
$3,423.50 Winpower Strategies Inc Seatac05/06/2021Printing campaign signsENTITY
$2,567.21 Capitol City Press Inc Tumwater07/13/2021Printing campaign signsENTITY
$2,567.21 Capitol City Press Inc Tumwater07/30/2021Printing literature, fliers, postcards, etc.ENTITY
$2,000.00 Winpower Strategies Inc Seatac07/13/2021Newspaper/periodical advertisingENTITY
$1,551.23 Capitol City Press Inc Tumwater07/28/2021Postage costs, mail permits, purchase of stampsENTITY
$1,504.86 Capitol City Press Inc Tumwater07/09/2021UnknownENTITY
$1,141.00 Winpower Strategies Inc Seatac10/28/2021Printing literature, fliers, postcards, etc.ENTITY
$849.00 Winpower Strategies Inc Seatac08/11/2021Printing literature, fliers, postcards, etc.ENTITY
$844.00 Winpower Strategies Inc Seatac07/06/2021UnknownENTITY
$400.00 Molly Sullivan Olympia08/30/2021Utilities, phone, and other overhead costsENTITY
$375.00 Thurston Mason Senior News Olympia09/19/2021Newspaper/periodical advertisingENTITY
$320.00 Thurston Mason Senior News Olympia06/16/2021UnknownENTITY
$310.37 Past Expenses 10/26/2021UnknownENTITY
$300.00 Blutone Seattle07/13/2021Design/graphic art, etc.ENTITY
$299.00 Blutone Seattle07/30/2021Design/graphic art, etc.ENTITY
$250.00 Washignton State Democratic Central Committee Olympia06/14/2021UnknownENTITY
$232.56 Washignton State Democratic Central Committee Olympia06/14/2021Inkind contributionENTITY
$232.56 Washignton State Democratic Central Committee Olympia06/14/2021Inkind contributionENTITY
$219.18 Washington Secretary of State Olympia05/17/2021Filing feesENTITY
$190.98 Past Expenses 07/13/2021UnknownENTITY
$188.58 Past Expenses 07/27/2021UnknownENTITY
$110.38 Anedot Inc New Orleans04/24/2021UnknownENTITY
$100.00 Sound Political Lacey02/21/2021UnknownENTITY