Brian Giles
$16,328Total Contributions
$16,505Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$6,000.44 | Democratic Party of Wisconsin - Seg Fund |
$1,500.00 | Wood County Democratic Party |
$800.00 | Thomas Werner |
$700.00 | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Federal |
$600.00 | Thomas Bartow |
$500.00 | Kathleen Rulka |
$500.00 | Wisconsin Education Association Council |
$355.00 | Kathleen Rulka |
$300.00 | Linda Nafziger |
$250.00 | Brenda McClellan-Tilson |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$6,028.48 | Democratic Party of Wisconsin - Seg Fund |
$3,000.00 | Viamedia |
$1,928.93 | Johnson Litho Graphics |
$956.36 | Tk Enterprises |
$896.70 | Heinzen Printing & Promotional |
$872.00 | Seehafer Broadcasting |
$502.00 | Multi Media Channels LLC |
$250.00 | Mandela Barnes for WI |
$200.00 | Brian Sims |
$151.83 | Actblue Wisconsin |
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