
This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.

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Candidate or Committee
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$845.77 Shaughnessy Murphy Eau Claire01/08/2018MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$593.44 Blacks for Political and Social Action of Dane County Madison09/06/2023MonetaryPAC
$248.40 Blacks for Political and Social Action of Dane County Madison09/05/2023MonetaryPAC
$197.26 Roger Roth Madison11/08/2022MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$189.35 Democratic Party of Brown County - Seg Fund Green Bay09/29/2024MonetaryPARTY
$183.97 Democratic Party of Brown County - Seg Fund Green Bay10/01/2024MonetaryPARTY
$127.11 Dunn County Democratic Party Eau Claire07/25/2024MonetaryPARTY
$115.49 Paul Soglin Madison07/30/2018MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$108.00 Democratic Party of Brown County - Seg Fund Green Bay04/22/2024MonetaryPARTY
$83.59 Democratic Party of Brown County - Seg Fund Green Bay08/07/2024MonetaryPARTY
$83.16 Dan Griffin Greenfield05/01/2020MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$82.42 John Humphries Madison01/12/2017MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$74.99 Brandy Bond Milwaukee06/17/2018MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$72.00 Dan Griffin Greenfield06/08/2020MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$70.41 Christy Welch Green Bay06/12/2024MonetarySTATE_CANDIDATE
$70.01 Winnebago County Democratic Party Oshkosh08/22/2018MonetaryPARTY
$69.50 Rep Assembly Campaign Com Racc - Seg Fund Madison12/07/2021MonetaryLEG_COMMITTEE
$68.84 Rep Assembly Campaign Com Racc - Seg Fund Madison07/11/2017MonetaryLEG_COMMITTEE
$63.30 Republican Party - Dane County - Seg Fund Madison12/08/2021MonetaryPARTY
$63.03 Blacks for Political and Social Action of Dane County Madison04/25/2023MonetaryPAC
$60.54 Democratic Party of Brown County - Seg Fund Green Bay06/05/2024MonetaryPARTY
$59.06 Rep Assembly Campaign Com Racc - Seg Fund Madison10/22/2018MonetaryLEG_COMMITTEE
$57.84 Rep Assembly Campaign Com Racc - Seg Fund Madison10/26/2020MonetaryLEG_COMMITTEE
$55.39 Democratic Party of Brown County - Seg Fund Green Bay06/05/2024MonetaryPARTY
$54.86 Blacks for Political and Social Action of Dane County Madison09/20/2023MonetaryPAC