$678.30 |
Roger Roth
Roth for Wisconsin
$408.43 |
Door Co Republican Party
$351.83 |
Democratic Party of Door Co
$200.00 |
Christy Welch
Christy for WI
$159.00 |
Midwest Growth Fund
$147.92 |
John Macco
Macco for Wisconsin
$128.10 |
Greg Gill Jr.
Friends of Judge Gill
$124.80 |
Joel Kitchens
Joel Kitchens for Assembly
$50.00 |
Emily Tseffos
Emily Tseffos for Wisconsin
$32.50 |
Michael Schraa
Michael Schraa for Assembly
$32.15 |
North Central Wisconsin Young Republicans
$30.00 |
Ben Murray
Friends of Ben Murray
$27.10 |
Kim Delorit Jensen
Friends of Kim Delorit Jensen
$25.00 |
Republican Party of Brown Co
$25.00 |
Jeffrey Wisnicky
Wisnicky for Judge
$25.00 |
Kelly Westlund
Kelly for State Senate
$24.00 |
Republican Party of Lincoln Co
$20.00 |
Patrick Hayden
Hayden for Wisconsin
$16.00 |
Andi Rich
Citizens for Andi Rich
$15.00 |
8th Congressional District Democratic Party
$7.50 |
Dean Raasch
Friends of Raasch
$5.00 |
Andy Williams
Friends of Andy Williams
$5.00 |
Kevin Bauer
Vote Bauer Dot Com
$2.17 |
Anthony Phillips
Phillips for Wisconsin