Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC
| $17,286,003.42 | $15,680,214.65 |
Democrats for the Illinois House
| $15,638,669.93 | $14,760,697.96 |
Democratic Party of Illinois
| $15,060,255.57 | $14,181,063.89 |
| $13,403,738.27 | $12,712,614.00 |
Liuna Chicago Laborers District Council
| $9,507,141.04 | $8,762,858.25 |
Illinois Federation of Teachers Cope
| $7,527,799.70 | $7,367,124.76 |
Illinois PAC for Education (Ipace)
| $7,062,114.96 | $8,124,317.87 |
Laborers' Political League - Great Lakes Region
| $6,772,792.07 | $5,467,962.96 |
Intl Union of Operating Engineers/engineers
| $6,683,757.27 | $6,675,287.22 |
Carpentry Advancement Political Action
| $6,674,344.85 | $4,939,207.50 |
House Republican Organization
| $5,822,868.94 | $5,788,541.93 |
Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
| $5,692,730.38 | $5,543,745.62 |
Chicago Teachers Union Local 1 PAC
| $5,415,819.96 | $5,834,178.30 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
| $4,056,335.76 | $4,142,018.00 |
SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana PAC
| $3,926,740.55 | $4,049,567.47 |
Incs Action Independent Committee
| $3,911,633.97 | $3,865,231.75 |
Realtors PAC
| $3,899,199.32 | $3,755,543.93 |
Iuoe Local 399 Political Education Fund
| $3,826,018.32 | $3,454,964.08 |
Illinois Republican Party
| $3,308,845.16 | $2,927,682.50 |
End Homelessness Supporting Bring Chicago Home
| $3,127,909.48 | $1,836,640.08 |
Personal PAC Inc
| $3,118,332.29 | $3,161,740.39 |
SEIU Illinois Council PAC
| $3,002,721.08 | $3,136,495.33 |
Senate Republican Victory Fund
| $2,917,809.52 | $2,676,463.56 |
IBEW Local Union 134 State & Municipal PAC
| $2,842,797.36 | $1,460,350.43 |
Health Care Council of IL PAC
| $2,736,047.55 | $2,623,025.09 |