Aggregated Unitemized Contributions
| $59,813,301.94 |
JB Pritzker
| $25,000,480.00 |
Midwest Operating Engineers Construction Industry Research and Service
| $16,799,230.72 |
International Union of Operating Engineers Federal
| $6,889,199.00 |
Labor Management Union Carpentry Cooperation Promotion Fund
| $6,643,844.85 |
Great Lakes Region Organizing Committee
| $6,615,468.15 |
American Federation of Teachers Cope - Federal
| $3,868,306.76 |
Electrical Insurance Trustees
| $2,824,797.36 |
James S Frank
| $2,744,100.00 |
National Association of Realtors Federal
| $2,305,704.69 |
Engineers Political Education Committee Federal
| $2,089,049.00 |
Service Employees International Union Federal (SEIU)
| $2,023,325.32 |
Ua of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry
| $1,764,100.00 |
Michael J Sacks
| $1,422,187.22 |
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (Afscme) Federal
| $1,299,500.00 |
Wintrust Bank
| $1,220,452.43 |
Craig J Duchossois
| $1,093,100.00 |
Indiana Laborers' District Council
| $986,415.09 |
Sports Betting Alliance
| $940,300.00 |
Central Laborers' Pension Fund
| $795,387.19 |
Busey Bank
| $786,714.94 |
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union Federal
| $775,000.00 |
Jim C Walton
| $762,000.00 |
North Central Illinois Laborers' District Council PAC
| $750,039.10 |
Midwest Region Organizing Committee
| $749,999.99 |